
May be.

I hope that May will be a month of gratitude. Of waking up each morning and thanking God for every single thing in my life. From the breath in my lungs, to the smell of wet dog in my bathroom. From the little people who call out "Mooom, come wipe my bottom!?!?", to the sound of my baby 'talking' to her toy squeaking chick. From the desperate hunger for fast food that turns into nausea when I actually eat it. From the sun rising, to the moon which takes its place. That I would be more aware of the world around me, and more thankful for it. That I would SEE more, FEEL more. BE more, and DO less. That I would notice small things, and appreciate them as big.

Thanks for listening,


Corey said…
each night before cy goes to bed, we talk about what we are grateful for that happened that day. he is sometimes very thoughtful about his answer and other times blurts out, "turkey bacon"...but even on the sleepiest of nights after the busiest of days, cy will remind us to say what we are grateful for. it has become a beautiful ritual.

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