Highs and Lows

I know I’ve been a bit sickly sweet/gushing over how amazing life is with three children, I’ve got loads of energy, I feel like a superhero, yada yada yada. Lest everyone (all 10 of you who read this blog) think that there’s something wrong with me for never having a crap kind of day, I thought I’d write this post – not to complain, but to maybe paint a more realistic picture of the other side of blissful motherhood.


I have been spewed on.

I have nearly lost my voice from shouting.

I have been ignored.

I have lost my temper too many times to count (see above thing about shouting)

I have picked up the same toys over and over and over again.

I have shopped with three children – one strapped to my chest, two in the shopping trolley. Truth be told, this was the easiest part of the day – except for the part about staying in my budget.

I have folded and put away so much laundry my head is spinning.

I have cried out “God, please make it all stop” a few times.

I have been impatient, irritable, unpleasant, and just plain NOT NICE to my children. Thankfully, they call me on it Every. Single. Time.

I have changed poop that would make your eyes bleed.

I have had a delicious cup of coffee, laced with chocolate.

Lachlan came home and took the two older girls for a walk, to get them out of the house for a bit.

I have mopped the floor.

I have had it up to my “holy cow when did I get so gray?” hairline.

And so, my dear friends and family, I am going to make some toasted sandwiches for my family, do some more washing (the girls’ blankets smell like a dog that we DON’T HAVE!), and go to bed.

Because tomorrow is coming up very soon, and I’m sure it will be better – if I can just make up my mind to make it a better day.




cass said…
I reallly like what you did to your page!!! I can't wait to read what you put under your new tabs. BTW sis, your hair looks great that way. When did you start styling that way?

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