Best Laid Plans

So I set up those tabs, one for a page about my family, one about my cooking adventures, and one about my faith - not realising that they aren't regular pages which can be added to. So it looks like unless I'm an HTML genius, which I am NOT, I'll just have to make those pages an ongoing list of links to the main page, where you'll find posts on said topics. Confused? Good. Moving on then.

The visit with our family was fab, naturally - it became an inpromptu Grand Final footy party, with all the requisite finger foods, noise, laughter, and chaos. Our girls aren't used to staying up so late, and it was indeed a very late night for them, from which they are still recovering (read: tired and cranky).

I think we've cracked the mystery of why they won't go to bed at night. Truth be told, it wasn't that hard to figure out. They're ready to drop their daytime naps. C is a bit tougher to crack, as even when she's exhausted (like last night for example), she protests for two hours, getting out of bed, saying "I'm not tired". Good thing we started early (6:30), or it would have been midnight before she finally crashed!

I'm pretty tired today - I stayed up too late watching the Commonwealth Games, and then M was a bit hard to settle after feeding throughout the night. Still though, I'm loving daylight savings - it makes bedtime a bit harder, when the sun is still up, but the mornings are lovely.

I think I'm ready to start handling the shopping again next week. It's a huge step, but since I'll be doing it with two children, while C is at preschool, it's nothing I've not done before. My preferred grocery store has these trolleys with an infant seat and a regular seat together, so that makes it easier. And in a few weeks, I think I'll be ready to do the preschool thing as well. And then it's just a matter of finding a rhythm and a routine that works for us. It's been a challenge for me to not be fully in charge of some things, like the shopping. L has done a fantastic job, but it's hard to develop a routine when so many things are being handled by other people.

Gotta go feed M, talk to you later!



Krista said…
Hmmm, seems like you'd have better luck just using tags to separate out those posts rather than taking the time to link to each post...
You could do something different with them though.
I like the new design/colors!
Nadiah said…
Do you have a baby carrier? I got myself an ergo, and while they're pretty pricey, it was a lifesaver for all those things that I needed to do that required two hands with a baby who much preferred that I just use those hands to cuddle him.
Sarah said…
Ergo is definitely already on the list. I tried a sling/wrap deal, but I think it will be too hot in the summer, and it's too much fiddling around with all that fabric.

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