How I celebrate Mother's Day

by being a mother, of course!

I think I've been looking at Mother's Day all backwards. See, I thought it would be a day off for me. Free of cleaning, cooking, poopy diaper changing, involving lots of sleeping, drinking cups of tea, putting my feet up while everyone else catered to my every whim.

That is not exactly how it happened.

What I'm trying to say is that Mother's Day, for me, is about celebrating my family, exactly as they are. Because they're mine, and what a wonderful gift they are to me. :)

I wouldn't say no to a nap though...

Thank you to my amazing husband who bought me a camping stretcher so I didn't have to sleep on the ground while camping last week.

Thank you to my beautiful children, C, P, and M - for giving me so much 'mothering' to do. :)

I love you all, and I hope that all you mothers out there have a very special day.



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