
I've been wrestling with this particular topic lately. Am I a good steward (stewardess?) of all that has been given to me?
Money - do I really manage it wisely?
Time - I know I don't manage that well. (Facebook anyone?)
Gifts - I use my gift, but I don't take care of it as I used to. I almost never warm up before singing (don't tell my music teachers that!), and rarely rest my voice when I'm tired.
Health - Again, I know I need to do better. A lot better.
Family - Do I cherish my family? Do I treat them as I wish to be treated? Do I truly see to their needs?
Grace - God has given me redeeming grace - do I pay that forward to the people around me, or do I keep it to myself and give none to others?
Home - I have a beautiful home, do I manage it wisely? Do I take care of it? Do I keep it functioning smoothly (as much as I can, at any rate)?
Food - We are blessed with an abundance of food, as evidenced by the number of things that go into our compost.
I know that this might sound like I'm being a bit unrealistic - but I don't think I am. I'm simply wanting to examine what my daily life looks like under the light of God's provision. It all comes down to choice. How do I CHOOSE to use my resources?
What about you? How do you choose to use your resources?


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