Fare thee well, 2009

It's been a good year.
I'm excited to begin the next one, though.
Though much of it will be exactly the same as the year about to finish,
I hope to make those ordinary things seem extraordinary. To revel in the mundane.
To relish each item on my "to do" list, and finish each thing with a joyful heart.

And if that doesn't work, there is always coffee!
Our NYE plans are as follows:
Let the kids have chicken nuggets and french fries for dinner.
Bathe children, dress for bed, give drinks of milk.
Brush children's teeth.
Put children to bed.
Get out grown-up food and start the party for two.
Eat grown-up food, then clean up kitchen.
Sit down to watch various NYE programs.
Kick each other awake until midnight, when we can respectably go to bed.
Have a safe and fun New Year's Eve, everybody.
Next post I'll share my one resolution. Exciting stuff, hey?


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