Sick babies

Both the girls are sick. I suspect (thanks to Dr. Google, a phrase I read somewhere) that Pippa has croup, and Charlie is just unidentifiably, miserably, and in all other ways, sick. I should buy stock in Kleenex, we've got so much snot at this house. I think I might be coming down with it too, but perhaps I can hold it off.
I'm planning a menu for this week, and I've decided that I'll just buy a bag of tater tots and a bag of frozen nuggets. For Jonathan, of course. I'm going to cook the same things I would normally cook. I would love to be successful in getting my 7-year old stepson to eat something resembling a vegetable, but you know what? I don't have the energy. It's just a battle I'm not even going to show up for, let alone fight. I've got enough other stuff to take care of.
As a side note, I love country music. I really love it. At some point, I got rid of all my country music, because I let Lachlan convince me that it was dorky. But really, that's HIS opinion, not mine. So, when and where I'm able to do it, I'm going to start my country music collection again. Because I don't feel like trying to be someone I'm not.
Now to get Charlie some milk, wipe everyone's noses, and maybe get out of my pajamas for the day. Maybe.


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