I can not control the universe and everyone in it!

A very wise friend of mine said to me recently, "You can't control 'x', it's not your job." ( the 'x' is mine, as I don't feel like explaining what 'x' is representing) And she's right. I'm trying to do God's job again, because things aren't happening as quickly as I think they should. It's not like I don't know that, so why do I keep coming up against it? Nearly all the stress I'm feeling is simply because I'm trying to handle more than I need to. It's just so hard to let go, you know? I have about 3 situations that are completely out of my control, and two of those are a result of the third. So my friends, please pray for me. Pray that God will unclench my fingers, so I can let go of these heavy, heavy burdens.
Now on to the parenting bits. I'm struggling, I admit. So what else is new? We've encountered a new kind of interesting behaviour - shoving and hitting. Not each other, but shoving and hitting me. I can not, for the life of me, figure out where she picked this up. Nothing she watches on tv has that kind of stuff, and we certainly don't do it. She's not trying to hurt me, I can tell. It's like she thinks it's just another way of playing. How the heck do I discourage that?


Jorja said…
You mentioned that you have the naughty stool...I would think that would be a good start. I have another friend who's a parent and she used the serious voice with the "that's unacceptable behavior" phrase. Myself, I think the naughty stool is a good choice, but only if she understands why she's there.
Here's whatcha do.
When she hits you for attention, ignore her. Then calmly tell her, OH CB, did you want my attention---because CLEARLY hitting mommy isn't getting you attention. Why don't you try saying " excuse me mommy" next time. It took me a few days of that to cure Janson, but it worked like a charm. :)
Praying for 'x'...I'm fairly sure I'm praying correctly as well! love you.
Anonymous said…
That's a tough one. We are working with biting right now -- our youngest will bite the older two when frustrated.

We put her in time out and tell her "No biting." After time out she says, "I'm sorry for biting." And then she has to apologize to the bitee (the sister she bit.)

It's not really working as well as I would hope, but it's all I've got.
Sarah said…
Thanks y'all. The naughty seat seems to be working like a charm! She's on it a lot, but it's an age thing, I think. Plus, her whole world has been rocked pretty solidly lately. Thanks for the help!

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