Why is there gift ribbon in my bathtub?

Ah, I see. It's because Charlotte found it in her baby memory box, pulled it out, and brought it into the bathroom, but had to drop it to pick up the yellow fish bath toy that clearly belonged in Mum & Dad's room, where she then found my bedroom slipper which (I can't believe I didn't catch on to this sooner) obviously goes in the room where the toilet is. I am thankful that she hasn't discovered yet the joys of unrolling the toilet paper, or throwing things in the actual toilet.

I talked to my Dad today, for what will likely be the last time. We made sure to cover the important things, and then I rambled on for 10 minutes about everyday stuff, so we wouldn't have to talk about him dying. Mom says that it's day to day now, and that she'll call me when he passes. Honestly, I am so glad to not see him like this. He doesn't even sound like my Daddy. He sounds all confused, and small. That's not how I want to remember him. I'm so glad I had a chance to say 'see you later, Daddy'. He told me he was proud of me, and he loved me, and that I am a good parent. He told me to tell Charlotte that he loves her. So we've said our goodbyes, in a manner of speaking, and now we just wait for God to bring him home. I told my mom that when we come for our visit, I want to have a barbecue for the family, 'cause Daddy loves a good barbecue. We can all sit around and talk about the good times, of which there are plenty.

Now off to check on my extremely chatty daughter, who is supposed to be sleeping for another hour - she must not have read the handbook like I did.


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