Sarah's log, day 4 & 5

 Yesterday was an extremely low-key day. I did end up doing a bit of assessment work, but I also organised and labelled my pantry. 

*side note: if you're going to procrastinate, at least do something useful?

Then I made dinner. Then? I made sure the food was put away, and put the kiddos to bed. And I went to bed too.

Today? Uh, I pottered around. I got up, loaded and ran the dishwasher, put a load of laundry in, and then just kind of hung around. Took a kid to a play date, did a bit of research for my assessment, had a good chat with a friend, and not a lot else.

Tomorrow? We'll see. I'm not making plans that I won't follow through on, and for all my talk about doing, I want to make sure I have capacity for doing. Tonight, that looks like finishing this glass of wine, putting the kids to bed, and putting away the pasta with sauce we had for dinner. The rest can wait until tomorrow, because choosing rest is an act of doing too. 

Good night,



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