Parenting is Hard
So why, my dear friends, do I persist with this notion that it should be easy? I shall tell you why. Because the internet is full of everyone's success. Smiling photos of happy children, holidays, crafts, cakes, amazing dinners, 5 easy steps to getting your kids to - clean their rooms or eat their vegetables or stop fighting with their siblings. If all of those things are so stinking achievable, then why on earth am I so unbelievably bad at it? Because the reality isn't found on the internet. Reality is all around me. Reality is sometimes delightful of course - but it is also the opposite of delightful. I am always reading something, but recently I read this book, "Idols of a Mother's Heart" by Christina Fox , and she pinpointed so much of why I feel disappointed with motherhood. I have long served at the altar of my own expectations of what parenthood 'should' be, how my home 'should' look, and how my children 'should' behave. Non...