Timely Reminders

I was reminded this morning of a statement that I've encountered, in various forms, many times over the last few years.

"God doesn't call the equipped. He equips the called."

Another variant I've seen is this:

"God doesn't ask so much about our ability as He does our availability."

It is easy to feel ordinary when my day consists of preparing food that may or may not be eaten, wiping bottoms, shuffling people to various locations, washing dishes, vacuuming floors, and scrubbing toilets. It's easy to get stuck in a rut of "why does it matter, no one cares or even notices what I do, poor me" each and every moment of each and every day.

Want to know a secret? It matters. It matters because I was called, equipped, and chosen. Not someone else, but me.

And you too. So the next time you might feel like you're insignificant, remember that you are chosen to be who you are, where you are, when you are. You are the only you there is, and that's something pretty special.

Have a great day,


Corey said…
inspiring as always, sarah! much love!
Karen Hossink said…
Yes and amen, dear sister!

So easy to feel insignificant. So inspiring to realize God has us where we are - for a reason. :o)

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