Morning thoughts

I am me, which is okay.

Though I could lose the temper tantrums (mine, not the kids') and I wish I were better at being a Christian, and I also wish I was the sort of mother who loves cooking and doing craft with her children. I'm not for the record. I find it extremely stressful, and it requires that I eat loads of chocolate (in secret) afterwards. But I digress.

I love my family. Imperfectly. But I have a heart that desperately wants to serve them and love them, and I hope that God honours that, and not my mistakes. Which are plentiful.

I want so much to be the woman God has created me to be. Not perfect, but better. More.
I want to wake up every morning saying "Good Morning, Lord! " instead of "Good LORD it's morning?!?"
I want to have praise in my heart and on my lips. I want to clean up spilled Sultana Bran and Rice Bubbles with a smile, because it won't be long before there are not spills to clean up.
I want so desperately to actively seek God continually, so that there is never a moment when I feel a distance between us.

And I fail. Often, and spectacularly. But I love that I hate that I fail. And hating that failure makes me get up, ask for forgiveness from those around me, and most importantly, from my Creator, and try again.

Now, if you will excuse me, I've got to go put on my 'uniform' , feed my baby, and start this day over. Again.



Corey said…
being momma is the toughest job around...but you are a great momma! and as long as you continue to want to do better, you will do better. and if chocolate is what it takes to get through the day, then by all stash is hidden in the back of the refrigerator ;)
Krista said…
Can I just say, Amen! (and where's the chocolate?)

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