My little dirt angels

I love this photo. On several levels. First, I love the blurriness of it, because to me it looks like one of those dream sequences. Combined with the light of the setting sun, it emphasises to me the fleeting nature of this particular moment. It makes their curls look almost like halos. Second, I love that they just look happy, for no other reason than the huge pile of dirt they're sitting on. Finally, this is my children as they truly are. Not all primped and polished, with matching outfits and perfectly groomed hair. This is what happiness looks like for them - filthy, skinned knees, grubbby hands and faces, wild hair, and a smile. I wish I had even a part of their imagination, which looks at a pile of dirt and sees so much more. It's times like this moment when I think I might burst, from loving them so much. Dirt and all.




cass said…
Wow they are getting so big!!! C looks so much like you Sarah. Where did those curls come from?

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