What will today hold?

A truckload of laundry and mopping, with some baking (chocolate chip macaroons) thrown in for good measure. Showers are optional (and highly unlikely) at this point, which means that my hair is like a cross between Justin Bieber and Kristina Keneally (if either of those two were a stay at home mum with roots and gray hairs, that is).

I’m trying to be optimistic about how today is going to go. This morning has not started smoothly though, and I gotta say – it’s putting a damper on things. C woke up at 6:30 with a massive sneeze, declaring “I need a tissue”. I sent her to get a tissue from the kitchen, and she went directly to her room (she was sleeping with us), opened the door, and woke up her sister. Once they’re both awake, there is no turning back, cupcake. You’re awake, like it or not.

Next, it was whinging about the way I prepared her breakfast. She ate it without complaint, but whined and cried the whole time I was making it. I take that back, she did have a moment over the fact that all the sugar was gone and I wasn’t giving her more. I am so cruel, n’est-ce pas? Apparently there’s a technique to pouring cereal which I have yet to learn – who knew?

Since then (and mind you, only an hour has passed since we’ve been up), we’ve (and by we I mean she) cried over the following: a delayed craft project, mummy wanting to finish her coffee before it enters an ice age, not being allowed in the computer room, and not having the television turned on upon demand. Oh, and also over some books that she wants to read but we won’t let her have unsupervised because she’s just a bit careless with books at this age.

Then someone’s asking me for lunch, someone else is telling me they’ve pooped in their duds (nappy/diaper), the builders are here with a saw of some kind, my coffee is going cold already, and I feel as though I’m on a losing streak already, and I haven’t even shown up to the game.

I know today is Wednesday, and it’s the first of what I call “preschool recovery days”. She’s tired. Really, really tired. Her brain has been stimulated and stretched to its outer limits for two straight days. I get it, I do. And then you add to that a tired mum with two labour-intensive tasks ahead of her for the day, and a toddler who’s been the sole recipient of my attentions for two days and now has to share me with someone else, and it becomes an extremely volatile mixture, likely to explode sporadically throughout the day.

So today we’re not going anywhere, because of the rainy weather, the need for understimulation, and the sheer exhaustion of the last two days. Which means that it will be a trying kind of day, but I know that God will give us what we need to get through to the other side.

Now – to start that washing. Which goes like this. Pull the garden hose through the open bathroom window, connect it to the washing machine, go outside through the muddy grass and turn on the water (it’s raining substantially), come back in and connect the electricity, and away we go! The house will be warm today, because we’ve got to use the dryer due to the weather, so that’s a bonus.

Think I’ll start in the kitchen today, as it’s the toughest job in the house. Especially the mopping. Plus, because I did everything except that yesterday, it really needs to be addressed.

Chorizo, Chilli, and Olive Fettucine, Garlic Bread, and Tossed Salad for dinner tonight. All easily assembled, and quick to prepare, and hopefully yummy – it’s a bit of an invention (eat your heart out, Masterchef!).

Gotta go, my life awaits!




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