Huh. Maybe...?

You know, I’m like my dad. Always have been.

I’m tenacious, which at times has been such a good quality to have. At other times, not so much. When a situation isn’t working, I tend to be oblivious, and continue pressing on with it, until it’s a big fat mess.

I continue on with things long past the point when it would have been reasonable, nay intelligent, to quit.

Like when I wouldn’t quit the Navy despite regular and unexplained chest pain and elevated (220 plus) heart rates during exercise, because I couldn’t bear to have people pity me. I wanted so desperately to succeed, that I was willing to sacrifice my own health and well-being to do it.

Like when I tried to continue my life as normal after having my second child. That didn’t work out so well.

Like when I get completely bent out of shape because things aren’t perfectly clean, and lose it because “No one cleans up after themselves!!!”

Like when the girls are wound up and won’t go to sleep and instead of sorting out the problem, I march in with flared nostrils and crazy eyebrows and command them to go to sleep. That doesn’t work, by the way.

I’ve come to realise that I tend to ignore the obvious until it’s REALLY obvious.

I visited with a friend recently and you know something? She doesn’t live in a museum – but her home is a happy one. Warm, welcoming, and nourishing.

I want that. I want my home to be one filled with laughter and light and love. And if it’s not perfectly clean all the time, then so be it. It doesn’t matter anymore. I’m not saying I want to live in filth, but for crying out loud, who really cares if there are some toys on the floor, or if the laundry isn’t emptied daily, or if there is a strange stain on the floor? If everything is perfect, but my children don’t want to be inside for fear of messing something up, what does that say about how welcoming my home is?

I need to chill out and lighten up. None of that crap really matters, and I want my home to be more than just a clean house with people in it.

‘Nuff said...


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