
I know I complain a lot. I know that there are other people who would dearly love to step into my life. Once upon a time, I yearned for this life. And I am happy, don't get me wrong. It's just that it's a different happily ever after than I thought it would be. But it's my fairy tale, and I can write my own happy ending.
This day, I choose to be happy. My life is rich, full, and blessed. I choose to be thankful.
I choose to be patient with my children as they figure stuff out. They are, after all, only children.
I choose to be kind to my husband, who is trying to be a good husband and father. Of all the things he is, he is not a mind-reader, so I choose to ask him for the help I need, instead of being angry when he helps me in ways I didn't ask for.
I am not a victim of being overweight. I have made choices which have led me to this point. Today I start making better ones. So I can have a great life with my husband and children.
I want to go to the beach and not feel absolutely disgusting, the way I do now.
I want to run and play with my two-year old without getting winded the way I do now.
I want to be able to bend over, sit down, stand up - with ease, not with grunting, puffing, and groaning.
I want to shop in the 'normal' section of the shop again, not the plus size area.
I want to look younger (healthier) than I am, not older.
I want to feel proud to walk beside my husband again, instead of embarrassed for him to be seen with me.


I KNOW you don't want me to comment, right?!
I love matter what. xoxoxo
and I love the new pink look...very girly! :)

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