
So Charlotte is an explorer, just like her Dad. She wandered away from home on Saturday while we had our backs turned, crossed the street, and kept going, just as happy as you please. Once I stopped hyperventilating, we agreed that from now on if she's out back, the garage door is to be closed.
We went to this dolphin show, and it was really neat. I'll post a couple of pictures - Charlie loved it. And I loved being with my family. Waking up in a giant motel bed, with my husband and kids right there, was just about the neatest thing ever.
I saw the doctor today, and I'm meeting with her again next week. In the meantime, she's prescribed a low-level medication, and she was glad I came back in, because she was concerned about me coping (or not coping, as it were). So there you go. Now I'm going to do some cleaning, because for the moment, I actually feel like doing it, and I'd like to seize that opportunity. Plus, since a friend has supplied dinner, I'd like to eat it in a clean house, off of a clean table. It could happen, people!


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