Breathe, keep breathing

We've been extremely busy this week, hence the lack of posting. Monday morning, we went for a walk with our pram walking group, and afterwards one of the other mums brought her littlies to our house for morning tea. She stayed until lunchtime, which was really nice. Afternoon was spent cleaning while kids were asleep, in turns. Tuesday morning, I had a doctor's appointment at 9AM, followed by playgroup at 10, then the girls and I had lunch, a brief sleep, and immunisations for Pippa in the afternoon. Wednesday was supposed to be Bible Study, but I was feeling the effects of another late night, and needed to stay home and rest. So we did. Wednesday was also library night, but that was later in the day after I'd had lots of rest. (As if anyone can rest with a sneaky, curious toddler around!) We also took Charlie Brown to the Early Childhood nurse for a checkup, which was fine. She recommended leaving toilet training until summertime, and also not worrying about getting her to having one sleep. In her words, she's so busy, that if she's happy to have two, then leave it at two! She scored some points for that, but then incurred a penalty for telling me that Philippa isn't gaining enough weight, and that if she doesn't soon, I'll have to put her on formula. Obviously, if I thought it was truly necessary, I wouldn't hesitate. But I don't. She's smiling, cooing, weeing, pooing, sleeping, and growing. I honestly think I've just got naturally slim children. I did modify a few things with our feeding, and we go back this Thursday, but after that I'm not going back until her 6 month checkup. I really felt that she was pushing me to supplement with formula, and that's not something I'm keen to do. Thursday we went to a different playgroup, where they had organised "Olympics" for the kids. The older children were able to follow along, but the younger ones just ran around in the grass. Charlie Brown just played in the dirt. She's such a tomboy sometimes, just like I was. Friday morning, we went to a friend's house, for an informal Spanish lesson, came home for lunch, and had someone else around for afternoon tea. So as you can see, we've barely had time to come up for air! It's okay though, because it keeps me sane. I do think that I might be getting a cold, because I've had a scratchy throat for a couple of days and my eyes have that achy feeling, and my eyeballs feel bloated. It's my turn to sing in church tomorrow, so I hope I can hold it at bay until after the service.
Sounds like both girls have gone to sleep now, so I might just follow.


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