Some happy thoughts and prayers, please

I am struggling with breastfeeding. A lot. It's mainly to do with the fact that I've got ginormous milk holders and T-Rex arms. Plus, Philippa likes to have her hands up by her face, so no matter how hard I hold them out of the way, she manages to get them in the way. It's so unbelievably frustrating. I watch other people breastfeed, and it looks so easy, so enjoyable. What am I doing wrong? Other people can actually have a snack, or surf the Internet, or have a drink while feeding. I've got to use the one free hand I have to hold the breast up, because if I don't, the weight of it causes it to slip out of her mouth. How am I going to last 10 more months?!? I don't want to be dependent on having a pillow like I was with Charlotte. I'm not going to haul a pillow with me out to the shops, or playgroup, or anywhere else we go. I must be doing something wrong here. Also, she's still doing the on-again, off-again approach. Books don't talk about this part of breastfeeding much. Grrrrrr.
On an up note, the sun is shining today, so we can go walking! I feel a capuccino coming on, my friends!


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