The secret place

I've been getting emails from friends, offering encouragement, which has
been fantastic. I got an email from a particular friend, (you know who you are)
that just pierced my heart. I have been so absorbed in myself, that I have stopped
appreciating what a miracle it is to be able to carry a child in my womb. So I thought
I would write down some thoughts, dedicated to my unborn child, and in honour of this friend.
You are forming, in the secret place
where time means nothing, yet everything
I treasure our private times, the hiccups
the nudges, like we have our own jokes between us
I long to meet you, kiss your feet, smell your head
But I already know you, my miracle, my blessing
I've been getting to know you for a while now
and soon our bond will include so many other people
Maybe it's selfish, but I don't think I'm ready
to share you after all?
Stay where you are, for as long as you wish
It's safe in there, and I can protect you
from so many things.
This is your mommy speaking to you,
saying "When you are ready, little one"
but not before.
Soon enough you will tell me "I do it"
so for now, let me surround you with
love and warmth, holding you deep inside
the secret place.


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