I am a control freak

Maybe it's not just me, but the fact that I am human. I don't know. But this whole process of letting go of stuff and delegating is HARD. Example:
This morning, my darling husband washed a couple of loads of laundry. It was killing me, people. Not knowing what temperature water he used, did he use fabric softener, did he wash Charlie's clothes separately, did he separate the clothes or did he just throw them in there? When I asked him what he had washed, he replied "Bits and pieces". Maybe it's because laundry is my all-time favourite task, or maybe I need to seek some professional help for my laundry 'issues'. I just have a specific way of doing things, and don't like having my system messed with. I'm the same way with other things in my life - I have a certain way of folding the clothes, a certain method of washing dishes (plastic, drinking vessels, plates & bowls, pots and pans, cutlery), etc. I've relaxed quite a bit, but this laundry thing? Finding a tad difficult to let go of. It used to be worse - I used to go out after he hung the clothes and rearrange the clothes on the line, because I felt that they dried more thoroughly the way I do it, and I could fold and sort them into piles when dry.  I'm *mostly* over that, thank you very much.
The way I see it, I have 3 options:
1. Separate clothes into 3 baskets (lights, darks, and Charlie's) so we can see when there's a full load of each, instead of one overflowing basket which makes it look more pressing than it really is.
2. Beat him to it by doing laundry every 2 days
3. Shut up and say "Thanks!", realising that it's just not that important, and he is HELPING me, people! :-)
This has been a test of the EWBS (Emergency Whinging Blog System).


Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Uh, you've ALWAYS been OCD like that.

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