
Showing posts from January, 2021

Sarah's log, day 4 & 5

 Yesterday was an extremely low-key day. I did end up doing a bit of assessment work, but I also organised and labelled my pantry.  *side note: if you're going to procrastinate, at least do something useful? Then I made dinner. Then? I made sure the food was put away, and put the kiddos to bed. And I went to bed too. Today? Uh, I pottered around. I got up, loaded and ran the dishwasher, put a load of laundry in, and then just kind of hung around. Took a kid to a play date, did a bit of research for my assessment, had a good chat with a friend, and not a lot else. Tomorrow? We'll see. I'm not making plans that I won't follow through on, and for all my talk about doing, I want to make sure I have capacity for doing. Tonight, that looks like finishing this glass of wine, putting the kids to bed, and putting away the pasta with sauce we had for dinner. The rest can wait until tomorrow, because choosing rest is an act of doing too.  Good night, Sarah

On the 2nd day of Doing Stuff...

 I did an obscene amount of stuff.  I woke up early, and rather than go back to bed, I sat with my coffee and began the first day of my year long devotional effort. Then I listened to a couple of podcasts while dismantling the Christmas tree, boxing up the decorations, sweeping the floor, putting the furniture away. After a while, the family woke up, and I started cleaning in earnest, dusting everything, organising the Lego cubes and the DVD cubes.  It felt really good.  I've had "defrost freezer" on my list for so long I thought it would be permanent - but not today, my people. I went out to the camper trailer and grabbed the esky (I think Americans call it a cooler? I never really went camping much over there, so I'm not sure.), and with Lachlan's help, unplugged and emptied the freezer. Then it was time to get SERIOUS. Over the sink we have a shelf, and it's been a clutter catcher since we put it there. It's been bugging me, so I moved some things there...