Today, Love Looks Like Fixing Stuff

 In my world, we take a step forward, two steps back, tripping over our own feet, sometimes with a great deal of unfortunate language. I take the hand of my Savior, who drags me to my feet, and start again. We don't seem to ever really get anywhere, despite assurances that we're doing all the things we can do - but somehow we almost make it look like it's working. 

Sometimes the best thing we can do for someone who is tripping over their own feet is to sit with them, acknowledge that tripping over yourself just stinks, and wait. Not tell them how you would avoid tripping over your own feet, or tell them they should stop tripping over their own feet. Or how everyone else has clumsier feet, or no feet at all, and they manage to not only not trip on their feet, but win the world championship of ballroom dancing. 

I never learned how to NOT be anxious. I'm learning how to live with it now, as an adult, but it's not something I can just shut off. It's part of my daily life, either personally or through my family. It affects our relationships, our functioning. I'm not fantastic at operating from a place of calm, or guiding my family to a calm place. So some days don't start out well. But I get off the floor, brush off the dust, and I ask the Father to mend the broken pieces of my heart so I can offer it freely come the afternoon. 

And while He mends my heart, I will do the earthly mending. 

-The dishes, the laundry, the floors, the bedrooms, the toilet, the rubbish, the bathroom, and so on. I will mend our home, with all of its jagged edges, missing pieces - and make it a soft place to land at the end of the day. I will fill in the cracks with the very love that is being poured into my empty spaces, and I will replace frustration with patience and love.

Big Love, because I've got a few people who need it today. 

XO, Sarah


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