Consequences, Boundaries, Self-Respect, and What Lies Ahead
You know, just your average Saturday night thoughts... We had a 'situation' here yesterday. Before we get to that though, here's something I realised. My children, while they love me, do not respect me. I have wondered at this for so long. Their teachers, their peers, other adults - all get respect. Everyone tells me how amazing my children are. I rarely get to see it. I've been so frustrated by this, until I actually thought: They don't respect me because their whole lives, they have watched me disrespect myself. Ouch. Now that I am developing a healthy level of self-respect, I can say with confidence: I will not allow anyone to hit me, call me names, or hurt those I love. I will not do for my children what they can do for themselves I CAN have boundaries. Which leads me to the second part of this post. Some time ago, I wrote about establishing boundaries- I have learned that without self-respect, and a firm belief that they are necessary, I cannot ...