Glitter is all around us

At some point, a glitter craft kit was purchased for one of our children. By whom, it matters not. But the carefully hidden leftover glitter was discovered, opened, and is now EVERYWHERE. Washing machine, hair, floor, walls. Every room, there is a sparkling trail of it. At first, I was irritated and annoyed, because it won't vacuum, and in some places it got mixed with glue.

And then it occurred to me what a beautiful reminder it is of life, and how there is beauty everywhere. Sometimes we have to look hard, just like after all the sweeping and cleaning and scrubbing, there will still be the odd speck of glitter. Years from now, I will see it and smile as I remember when these children were small. Even when my life feels beige and bland, with no beauty to be found - there it is. Maybe buried under emotions, or just the challenge of raising little humans - but it is there, if only I would look! Graces, big and small, just there for the noticing.

Having enough money to buy food. Weather which is just ridiculously beautiful for this time of year. Illness which sidelines me and forces me to rest. Courage to pray big prayers, and strength to live them out. The gift of a mother-in-law, in a world full of stories to the contrary, who will drop everything to help and encourage me in my mothering. This house, so perfectly suited to our family's needs. The job my husband works at, his apartment in the city, and a thousand more.

This glitter, like the beauty in my life, is something that will never go away, because I have faith in the eternal, living God. . The real question is, am I willing to endure trials, am I willing to seek out the glitter?

Not that I'll ever need to actually buy glitter again, because we all know that stuff NEVER GOES AWAY, right?

XO, Sarah


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