A Way Through The Chaos (or maybe around?)

I visited with a friend yesterday, and was lamenting how the chaos of the mornings and afternoons is causing me great distress. The noise, the mess - all of it. I am struggling to embrace the lovelier things because of the noise and mess. She encouraged me by saying that in those moments, I could think about how to fix it. By fixing it instead of freaking out, I avoid the panic. Genius.

Last night, I could feel the frustration over all the mess that was left for me, and rather than let it creep into my every molecule to be vented all over my children, I prayed. A generic, "help me" kind of prayer, that God would help me to just be present with my children, and to not think about the mess.

And HE DID. We got through bedtime peacefully, and when my youngest daughter came to me frightened and unable to fall asleep, I invited her up on my lap while I finished chatting with #2 daughter, and then I took her to bed and sat with her (okay, I fell asleep with her) until she was asleep. I was fully present, and it was lovely.

Then this morning when I felt the panic rising, I simply stopped, and said out loud, "I trust you God."
He took the panic, helped me to focus on what needed to be done (not what I THOUGHT should be done), and filled my heart with peace. As I went through the house cleaning and tidying, I wasn't resentful, grumpy, and frustrated - I felt as though I was actually loving my family, by doing all those things I usually do anyway.

I questioned my judgement when I prayed for greater faith, because who INVITES trials into their life? But now I see that the Chaos is merely an opportunity for growth (sometimes in very good disguise!)

I still don't know what God has planned for this year, but I am excited to find out!

XO, Sarah


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