Bits of paper, from an afternoon of furious crafting
A growing-too-quickly daughter practicing ballet moves in the kitchen
A son who is more mischief than I can keep up with, but charms my socks off
A daughter with a will of iron which will someday serve her well
The delightful bubbling laugh of another child
Pieces from games and puzzles
Sand, from someone's shoes
Music, from the radio
The smell of dinner, bubble bath, and coffee
Life-confetti, I call it- when the ordinary is tumbled about in a chaotic and wild fashion, swirling around me in a way that inspires delight and excitement. There is something else as well, a thing I almost hesitate to name, lest it disappear. Something like...
I choose to see this confetti - not as something frightening and overwhelming but as a gift from my Father, to be celebrated and enjoyed.
What is your confetti?
I choose to see this confetti - not as something frightening and overwhelming but as a gift from my Father, to be celebrated and enjoyed.
What is your confetti?