I'm Sure I Said I Was Imperfect...

Or implied it. But you know something? There is truth there too. I encountered a beautiful truth this week, reading of David and Goliath. And decided that no longer would I panic over my own "Goliath" of the moment whatever it is. Because God's already won. I only need to trust. Though I do find it interesting that David grabbed FIVE stones. So maybe he's not so perfectly trusting after all, and that makes us more alike than I previously thought. But I digress. 

So what did God have to teach me this week? He's taught me that sometimes it is necessary to say no. To walk up to the Goliath-esque to-do list, and say, "Enough." 
To acknowledge that The List is NOT the boss of me, and no longer will I allow myself to be enslaved by it. My days belong to God, and I feel a beautiful peace in my soul when I hand that list over to Him, the One who has numbered each of my days, and say "I trust in Your plan more than my own."

I still write The List the list, but I see it as more of a direction, than a stone tablet. If things don't get done it's fine. I am happy to drop "finish folding laundry" in favour of "spend time with a friend". If I need to go to bed without doing all the things on the list, so be it. Rest is more important. 

I saw this tree today. It's scarred, listing, and gnarly- but strong and tall. It moved me somehow. I think I saw myself in it; scarred, listing (I refuse to call myself gnarly) - but strong and standing tall. I stand tall and strong because I've chosen to serve a mighty God who doesn't see the scars - only the willingness to keep standing. And stand I will. 

Much love,


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