A Box of Crackers

My daughter's preschool Christmas party was last Tuesday. We were asked to bring something to share for a lunch.

I brought a box of crackers, which left me feeling simultaneously impressed and mortified. 

Impressed because 1. I remembered to show up - ON TIME! and 2. I brought food. 

Mortified because A BOX OF CRACKERS. 

Look - I know that it's not about me, it's about the kids. I know that, okay? I get that when it's all said and done, and my crackers are in a bowl on the table, with all the other food, nobody even knows who brought the box of crackers.  No, it's more that unlike the Grinch, my heart is two sizes too big, and because I love people best via food, bringing a box of crackers feels like a pitiful expression of love. I've tried so hard to continue being the mother who makes incredible food, despite having an incredibly busy schedule - and most of the time, I pull it off. This season, with its endless parties, ceremonies, and events - has undone me. I've had to say no to some good and noble things, in the pursuit of balance. Tonight for example, my preschooler was slated to sing at the community carols event. She was tired, I was tired. In fact, we're all tired. So I made the decision to not go, despite this being her first time. I just couldn't manage it. 

I think that's what bothered me about the crackers. I WANTED to make some clever, healthy, Christmas-themed treat to share at the preschool because in my mind it shows just how much I love the staff at our preschool. I couldn't make it happen though. I'm disappointed in myself. 


Christmas isn't always about fancy. At its heart is a baby. Born amid the bleating of sheep, the lowing of cattle. Love, sent from Heaven, and wrapped in whatever his mother and father could find, just to keep him warm. 

Thinking about this makes me see - that it's not a box of crackers after all. It's a box of Love. 

XO, Sarah


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