Sometimes, Always

I've been busy just doing life lately. The big, the small, the in-between. Thinking about the stages of family life we're leaving behind, and the stages we're headed for. Enjoying where we are (most of the time, anyway). 

I always want to choose Love-

sometimes with a toilet brush,

sometimes with cake, 

sometimes with a cuddle.

Sometimes it's hard,

sometimes it's easy.

Sometimes in the drive-thru,

sometimes in an emergency department,

sometimes in time-out.

Sometimes it sounds like Macarena,

sometimes it sounds like stepping into a pack of hysterical seagulls,

sometimes it sounds like silence.

sometimes it sounds like a desperate plea for patience and wisdom and just another hour of mamability to get us over the bedtime finish line.

Sometimes it looks like a cold plate of food because mama we want another story,

sometimes it looks like a beach's worth of sand in my car,

sometimes it looks like a walking circus. 

Sometimes it smells sweet like snapdragons, clean laundry, and baby shampoo,

sometimes it smells like other, less pleasant aromas.

My life is all of those things, and none of them. Sometimes simultaneously.


And it always stretches my heart which feels miraculous, wonderful, awful, amazing, and terrible. All at the same time. 




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