
Partly inspired by a blog post I read somewhere else recently, but also by a trip down memory lane last night. 

I was looking through my high school yearbook last night. I looked at my photo, and began to talk (in my head) to that girl. Because though she was me, she's not really me now. Or rather, I am not her. I thought about the things that I would say to her. 

I would say...

It's okay to be scared. I know you can't see how happiness could ever be yours, but you will taste happiness. And that happiness? Will taste even better because of your sadness. 

I would say...

Your open and raw emotions are a gift, not a curse. Whoever says it's shameful to hide your tears is just plain wrong. 

I would say...

You have a brilliant future in front of you - don't let the weight of someone else's expectations push you into a future that's not meant for you.

I would sit with her, listen to her dreams, dry her tears, laugh at her jokes, but most of all tell her that she is beautiful, and special, and wonderful.


I am who I am. I am where I am. I wouldn't change it, and I don't know that the girl of 18 would have believed me back then. Which leaves her to follow the path that I now tread. A place I am altogether happy to be in. 

What would you say to your younger self?


P.S. Dealing with sick kiddos here, so don't know when the next post will come. :-)



Rae said…
funny, i've been thinking about high school a lot lately too. and about all the decisions that were before me and how i have navigated life to this point. if i were to talk to the 18 year old me, i don't think she would listen either...

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