
I discovered a few things about myself recently.

I like being in control of my immediate universe. So things that I do not control, I do not like.
Like eczema/allergies. I do the best I can to manage it, but when I hear the sound of one of my children ripping their skin to shreds, my blood pressure goes up instantly. If I'm driving, I start to speed.
There are many things in my life right now that are absolute chaos. Yes, I have a lot happening. And much of it, I can't control. Acknowledging that, and embracing it, have put me on a path to a much more peaceful place. Taking a different perspective, and seeing The Crazy as a positive, rather than a negative, has made it a bit easier to not lose my wits. Oh, sure - when you walk in the lounge room and see your five year old fingerpainting mostly on paper but spilling out onto carpet, it's a challenge to offer up peace and patience. But it's a bit easier than before, because now I'm embracing the fact that they're NOT little adults. They're kids, and kids do stuff like that. I'm not saying I'll let her paint the carpet, just that I'm trying to keep it all in perspective. Letting go of small things, and learning to focus on larger issues, is far easier. Loving my family means loving them not for who I'd like them to be, but for who they are.
I likened it to a train - I was letting others decide how the train should operate, thinking that I was making it easier on myself. In fact, I was letting go of what gives me great joy. Managing, organising, and taking care of my family, that's a big part of how I love them. By getting back into the driver's seat, I feel so much more purposeful and capable. I'm not letting other people dictate what I can or can't do anymore, and finding my own route. Because the truth is, I am me and no one else. I don't have to do things the same way others do them. It doesn't make me better, or right. It just means that my life is what it is, and I not only acknowledge it, but embrace it.

Now excuse me, because the kids are turning the Christmas tree on and off. Again.

Embrace your own Crazy - you'll be amazed at how liberating it is!


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