Slow and steady

I don’t have much exciting news to report these days. Unless of course, your idea of entertainment is waking up and changing pooey nappies in the middle of the night, or investigating just where that pair of jeans could possibly be, or endless fixing of snacks and drinks which creates endless dirty dishes. It’s exciting to me, and I’m very, very, very happy (and tired!). But I could totally understand why it might not be exciting to others.

C is at preschool today, and it’s just P, M, and me. Slowly working my way out from the one end of the house to the other, making clean spots among the mess, until I have no more mess. But very slowly. I thought I might try and take the two girls for a walk today, to get some cupcake supplies. Not that I need to be eating cupcakes, mind you – but I thought it would be something fun to do with the girls.

M is sleeping, and I’m just having a rest from work. Morning tea break, I suppose you could call it.

P just came to me and announced “I done poops”, so I suppose I’d better go take care of that. Because it smells horrible.

Ah well, back to work.




Nadiah said…
Belated congratulations! Enjoy those cupcakes :-)

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