
isn't a feeling. It's a choice we make. Am I content to have this, or do I covet something newer, better? Am I making the most of where I am, or am I always wishing I were somewhere else?
Today it's been a bit difficult to make the right choice. Sick toddler, contrary preschooler, and a growing a baby is quite enough to make one tired. And I am. Tired, that is. I look around me, at the messy domain that is my home, and I just don't know where to start. I want it to be clean, but for once, I don't want to be the one to clean it. Just once, I'd like my preschooler to pick up her own toys. It's not going to happen, so I need to shut down the computer and just start somewhere, anywhere - so when my husband comes home, he comes home to a tidy, quiet home where he can find peace and rest. Oh yes, and happiness, too!


I am so there with you. So there. And sometimes, I let it stay dirty---hoping that the husband notices and says "Gee Honey, looks like it was a rough day..." But he never does.

Here's to choosing happiness today! Hooray!

love you lots.
Anonymous said…
You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view

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