
Showing posts from April, 2009


I know I complain a lot. I know that there are other people who would dearly love to step into my life. Once upon a time, I yearned for this life. And I am happy, don't get me wrong. It's just that it's a different happily ever after than I thought it would be. But it's my fairy tale, and I can write my own happy ending.   This day, I choose to be happy. My life is rich, full, and blessed. I choose to be thankful.   I choose to be patient with my children as they figure stuff out. They are, after all, only children.   I choose to be kind to my husband, who is trying to be a good husband and father. Of all the things he is, he is not a mind-reader, so I choose to ask him for the help I need, instead of being angry when he helps me in ways I didn't ask for.   I am not a victim of being overweight. I have made choices which have led me to this point. Today I start making better ones. So I can have a great life with my husband and children. ...

Does she or doesn't she?

I am at a loss.   I can't figure it out, and I don't know if it's because I'm an absolute moron, or I'm just as uneducated as everyone else in the ways of toddlers.   I'm speaking, of course, about toilet habits.   One day, she couldn't care less about having a wet or soiled nappy. The next, she takes it off so she can do wee or poo on the potty. Or takes it off as soon as she's done it. Is she ready, or isn't she? I can't figure it out. I do know that for today, if I have to clean one more puddle, or wash one more blanket, I will scream. Long and loud. So if you hear something, like that scene in The Princess Bride , it's only me, mmm'kay?   I am taking until the 27th off from blogging, in an serious, and business-like effort to make the potty training happen. We will be trying every potty trick known to the world, and pulling out all the stops. I will be up to my eyeballs in poop and pee, so I probably shouldn't...