Happy Christmas

for all my loved ones back home.
We are well and truly blessed, and I wanted to take a moment to share some thoughts with you that I've been having. Some of you have already heard this, so bear with me!
Christmas is a time of hope, and of rebirth. A time to remember that the hope of mankind was reborn on this special night, in the simplest of conditions. There was no birthing suite or epidural. Just a mother, a very anxious father, some animals, and a manger filled with straw. That's it. God chose to send His son to us in the most basic of conditions. And yet, there was nothing basic about this baby. He was born with one purpose - to save mankind. From the day He was born, He was destined to die, so that we might have eternal life. There was no fancy wrapping paper on the most amazing gift ever given. Mary gave birth to Jesus, loved him, raised him, and later witnessed his death on the cross. He was the saviour of the world, but he was still her little boy, even when he was crucified.
Joseph watched this tiny baby king come into the world, loved him, raised him, all the while knowing that he was destined for a greater purpose.
All of this is to say that we are blessed beyond measure with material things, but none of that comes even close to how we are blessed with the offer of salvation. It's a choice we have to make. It's not an easy one to make, for the way of the world is so easy sometimes. My prayer is that people reach out to take the hand of the one who loves without reservation, hesitation, exception. Take the hand of the one who will never let you down. Take the hand of the tiny infant, crying softly in the warm, dark stable. Take the hand of the one who walked on water. Take the hand of the one who wasn't afraid to cause a ruckus in the temple. Take the hand of the grown man, gasping his final breath hanging on the cross. He will not fail you, ever.
Your life on earth won't be perfect, and it won't always be easy.
But you will never again be alone, and the life after this one? It will be AMAZING!
God's peace and grace to all,


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