I'm taking a hiatus from blogging for a while. I'll still email, but I'm going through something personal, and difficult. I've been living a double life. No, I'm not a lead singer for a goth punk grunge band in my spare time (spare time?!?). I've been telling everyone how rosy things are in my world since Pippa's come along, and the truth is far from it. The truth is that I'm struggling. A lot. I had to admit some harsh truths to my husband this weekend about how I'm coping (or not, as the case seems to be). The truth is that I bathe her, I change her, I feed her, and I would give my life for her, but it's not out of a sense of love. I look at her sometimes and just feel no connection to her at all. It's like she's this needy, screaming little alien, and I don't know what to do with her. Sometimes I don't even want to deal with her. But I do. I've been forcing myself to try and feel this love that I'm "supposed" to feel, and it's just not there. So I lie to people, and tell them how besotted I am, because what kind of a mother doesn't feel love for her child? Sometimes I just sit there, holding her, trying to use my jedi mind powers to get her to stop the screaming, (it doesn't work, I'm crap at being a Jedi) and I just feel numb. And I think I should feel something. Some kind of sympathy, some urge to comfort her. But I don't. I just feel...blank. I tune it out, and just sit there, staring into space. I feel as though I'm hanging on by a thread. A very fine thread, that can't take a whole lot of weight. So I'm cutting out non-essentials, and really trying to take care of myself, so I can be there for my family. We're okay, I think, but it's not something I feel comfortable blogging about on a semi-daily basis for the whole world, and at the same time, it's hard for me to blog about superficial stuff when I'm really struggling with something so serious. For now, I suppose my prayer request is that this doesn't get any worse. So that's my confession, such as it is. I'll try and email you guys now and again, with some updates on how we're doing, and I'll let you know when I start blogging again.