Home again

We arrived in Brisbane, Queensland Wednesday morning, waited for what seemed like hours to get our bags, made a pit stop for some lunch (which was some of the most revolting Chinese fried rice I've ever eaten from a shop called Wok Me), and then went to my mother and father-in-law's place for a rest. In the afternoon, they took Charlotte and I to meet Lachlan in Coolangatta.
Being home again is very strange. It's almost like living in someone else's house. I'm also dealing with food issues again, much like I did when I moved here for the first time. I ate about a bazillion potato chips (Man, do I miss them) while I was home, and discovered a penchant for spicy fiery foods. I managed to bring back some hot sauce, but it's almost half gone already! What I wouldn't do for some jalapeno peppers...
Charlotte has changed a great deal - she's not a 'baby' anymore, but rapidly turning into a very active toddler. She's not yet walking, but cruises around the living room furniture like she was born to it. I think she's adjusted to the time change quite well, and slipping back into our routine easily.
Lachlan and I are enjoying a second honeymoon, of sorts. It seems that my absence made both of our hearts grow a LOT fonder.
Well, I'm off to fold some laundry and find something else to put hot sauce on!


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