Hide and Seek
I'm a hider. Risk-averse -despite marrying a man after only knowing each other 15 months, and then following him overseas to build a life. No, apart from that, I do not like to take risks, gamble on the unknown. Consider the following: - I wouldn't speak a word of French until I was certain I could do it perfectly. My teacher was so impressed when I finally uttered my first sentence, she thought I was going to fail the class! - In spite of being a naturally talented vocalist, I gave it up because I can't bear audtioning for parts. - When I joined the Navy to be a linguist, I could have chosen any language, but I chose Spanish because I was certain I'd be good at it. I was an excellent linguist, and I loved it - but I sabotaged myself by not maintaining fitness and weight standards. - When I write something I'm particularly proud of, I immediately develop writers' block. It's as if I've convinced myself that I cannot possibly be good at something,...