
Showing posts from September, 2013

Sometimes, Always

I've been busy just doing life lately. The big, the small, the in-between. Thinking about the stages of family life we're leaving behind, and the stages we're headed for. Enjoying where we are (most of the time, anyway).  I always want to choose Love- sometimes with a toilet brush, sometimes with cake,  sometimes with a cuddle. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's easy. Sometimes in the drive-thru, sometimes in an emergency department, sometimes in time-out. Sometimes it sounds like Macarena, sometimes it sounds like stepping into a pack of hysterical seagulls, sometimes it sounds like silence. sometimes it sounds like a desperate plea for patience and wisdom and just another hour of mamability to get us over the bedtime finish line. Sometimes it looks like a cold plate of food because mama we want another story, sometimes it looks like a beach's worth of sand in my car, sometimes it looks like a walking circus.  Sometime...