
Showing posts from January, 2013

Happy New Year to Me!

I'm not saying I've got it all figured out, because I don't. My oldest girl sasses me at every turn (we're working on it!), and the sibling rivalry around these parts is intense.  I suppose what I am saying is that as we approach the new school year, with its routines, schedules and processes, is that I feel very positive. Last year was a steep learning curve for this mama. First year of kindergarten, first year of preschool, one failure to thrive which resulted in approximately 567 appointments - give or take, and one child who wore socks on her hands most of the year and slept all night maybe once. That means that in the last year, I have slept all night three times. Whatever, I make tired look awesome, and I'm okay with that.  This year, I have learned that taking care of myself is perhaps the most important thing I can do as a wife and mother. This has been a huge discovery for me. Having to reflect on what it is that I require to have a healthy mind, a heal...