
Showing posts from September, 2010

Slow and steady

I don’t have much exciting news to report these days. Unless of course, your idea of entertainment is waking up and changing pooey nappies in the middle of the night, or investigating just where that pair of jeans could possibly be, or endless fixing of snacks and drinks which creates endless dirty dishes. It’s exciting to me, and I’m very, very, very happy (and tired!). But I could totally understand why it might not be exciting to others. C is at preschool today, and it’s just P, M, and me. Slowly working my way out from the one end of the house to the other, making clean spots among the mess, until I have no more mess. But very slowly. I thought I might try and take the two girls for a walk today, to get some cupcake supplies. Not that I need to be eating cupcakes, mind you – but I thought it would be something fun to do with the girls. M is sleeping, and I’m just having a rest from work. Morning tea break, I suppose you could call it. P just came to me and announced “I done poop...

Sorry for the long absence...

I’ve been a little busy. My waters broke unexpectedly, starting a chain of events that ended in the birth of our third daughter, M. I was in hospital for a week, and was taken care of by many lovely midwives, nurses, and doctors. We came home on Wednesday, and I’ve been taken care of by my husband and his mum, which has allowed me to ease back into life. Friends have offered help in various ways, such as transporting C to and from preschool, advice, comfort, meals, PRAYER!!!, and just plain old company, which does wonders for this weary soul. My husband has been amazing in so many ways, but especially in his eagerness to help out with more domestic things. The fact that he is willing to do these things takes off that bit of pressure, and means that as and when I’m able to do it, I can – but don’t feel like I HAVE to. So I’m recuperating well, and so far don’t feel too overwhelmed. Just thankful to see my little? family completed, and enjoying each moment. Even the ones filled with poo,...