
Showing posts from August, 2016

My Olympic Heart

I cleaned my children's bedrooms yesterday, and in one of the rooms, I unearthed a plastic gold medal which came from preschool. As I bent down to scoop it off the floor, I thought about Olympic athletes, and how hard they work to even get to the Olympic games. I continued contemplatively working, and when the room was finished, A single thought was in my mind. What if I worked like an elite athlete? They don't hop in the pool and merely cruise to the other end. They swim their guts out. What if I, as a homemaker, as a mama, as a wife, as a friend, as a daughter, as a sister, as a woman - what if I didn't content myself with cruising through the day, and instead, put my head down, my bottom up, and dug deep. Ignored the distraction of life outside the lane, and just focused on my own race, in my own lane. I'll tell you what would happen, because I did just this yesterday. Stuff got done. I Friday-ed like a BOSS. I owned Friday. I looked at Friday and...